Facts Speak Louder

Facts & Data

pie chart iconAt Lawson State we strive to be open and transparent about who we are and what we do. We invite you to get fast facts and data about our student body or read reports on our goals and learning outcomes to see how our students are set up for success. The numbers speak for themselves.

NOTE: If you cannot find the information you're looking, please contact us at help@lawsonstate.edu.

We Are Lawson State

Fast Facts

Semester Snapshot Reports

Lawson State's Nursing Program has been ranked #1 in the state for multiple years.
Lawson State's College Transfer Program will enable you to transfer up to 64 credits to your 4-year college of choice.
Lawson State offers over 150 areas of concentration options.
Look at our semester snapshots to get a feel for our student body, what the top majors are, and where our students come from.

Program Demographics

Students enrolled in college transfer programs.
Students are enrolled in career technical programs.
Dual enrollment (high school) students
View gender and race statistics by program.

Enrollment Trends

Lawson State offers flexible enrollment options with online, virtual, ground, and hybrid classes.
Pre-Nursing and Nursing is Lawson's largest enrolled program.
Lawson has four Center of Excellence (Automotive, Mechatronics, HVAC, adn STEM), which supports hands-on learning experiences for enrolled students.
See how our enrollment is trending by gender, age, program, full-time/part-time status, race/ethnicity, and course delivery method.