Addison Padgett graduating from high school and college in the same month
Mortimer Jordan High school senior Addison Padgett is currently taking four classes at Lawson State and has a 3.51 GPA. She is doing this all while still being a high school student, working two jobs, taking an additional class at The University of Alabama at Birmingham and preparing to graduate from two schools in the month of May.
What would make a high school student sign up for more than twenty classes of dual enrollment? "My mom signed me up for it thinking it wouldn't be as intense. I was hoping to simply get a course or two out of the way and I ended up getting so much more than I expected," said Padgett.
Lawson State Community College specializes in offering a caring campus atmosphere which focuses on the whole student and not just academics. This is especially essential for students who are in high school as they start college early. "My experience has been very positive and uplifting. The faculty, staff and the community have all been welcoming and offered guidance through this process for which I am eternally grateful," said Padgett.
It was hard for Addison to pick just one favorite instructor at the college, "It's honestly a tie I enjoyed having Dr. Monti as an instructor for a couple of my classes and then I had Dr. Agee for kickboxing and I really enjoyed his class and his teaching methods."
Addison said she is inspired to do her best in all things and to keep pushing even when times get hard to continue to inspire her younger siblings, especially her sister who has some medical challenges. "I am proud of all that I've accomplished because my siblings can look back on it and know that they can do anything they put their minds to."
Addison will graduate from Lawson State Community College in May with an Associates in Liberal Arts.
"My plans after graduation are to attend the University of Alabama at Birmingham or The University of Alabama at Huntsville to major in Graphic Design," said Padgett.
Addison has already been awarded a partial scholarship from UAB.
"I am very proud of Addison and I am super happy with the opportunities she has opened up for herself by achieving this great accomplishment at such a young age," said Maire Jo Padgett, Addison's Mother.